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When Should I Start Potty Training My Baby

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© 2021 Gwen Dewar, all rights reserved

In Western countries like the United States, many children begin toilet training onetime between 24 and 36 months.  But from an historical and cross-cultural standpoint, this timing is very tardily, and it comes with a downside.

So what's the right potty training age? It depends on your kid, your goals, and what trade-offs yous're willing to make.

In this article I cover:

  • the "normal" age to train, and how this historic period varies across cultures and historical time periods;
  • why when y'all railroad train matters less than how you train; and
  • the pros and cons of toilet training at different stages of evolution, from infancy to 24 months — and beyond.

Getting started: What'south the normal age to toilet train a child?

"Normal" is a glace concept. It varies from one culture to the adjacent.

For instance, in parts of Africa and Asia, it's normal for children to begin learning toileting routines very early — oftentimes inside 4-12 weeks of birth (Sun and Rugolotto 2004).

In Russia, information technology has been traditional to start toilet training months subsequently, during the latter half of an infant's first year (Karkashadze et al 2012).

And in Western Europe and English-speaking North America?

Children typically begin toilet training quondam betwixt 24 and 36 months (e.thou., Blum et al 2003; van Nunen et al 2015; Vermandel et al 2008; Sejokora et al 2020).

What's normal also varies considerably betwixt subcultures within the same society.

For case, when researchers interviewed approximately 780 parents living in Washington, D.C., they asked parents to weigh in on the virtually advisable age to begin grooming. And the answers? As the researchers (Horn et al 2006) explicate, they varied by ethnicity:

"Caucasian parents believed that toilet training should be initiated at a significantly later on age (25.iv months) compared with both African-American parents (18.2 months) and parents of other races (nineteen.4 months)."

And a lodge's norms change over fourth dimension.

To meet what I mean, consider how the timing of toilet training in the United States has shifted over the last lxx+ years.

In 1947, approximately 60% of children had finished toilet preparation by the time they were 18 months old (Martin et al 1984).

But by the 1980s, approximately lxx% of kids hadn't even started potty preparation by that age. The average child wasn't finished training until he or she was betwixt 24 and 27 months old (Seim 1989).

Fast forward again — to 2004 — and 1 study of more than 400 U.S. children reports that the average age of completion was most 37 months (Blum et al 2004).

And elsewhere?

Researchers in other Western countries have observed similar historical trends — a tendency for toilet training to occur at increasingly later ages over fourth dimension (Bakker and Wyndaele 2000; Horstmanshoff et al 2003).

For instance, betwixt the 1950s and the 1980s, the median age for starting toilet training in Switzerland increased past 13 months (Largo et al 1996).

Why has the timing of toilet grooming been pushed dorsum in these countries?

Researchers aren't entirely certain. The availability of user-friendly, disposable diapers probably has something to do with it. And we know at that place was a change in the culture, the rise of a new conventionalities that toilet training should be "kid-centered," or initiated by the kid.

But hang on. Isn't at that place a stiff medical argument for delaying toilet training until a child is at least 2 years erstwhile?

If you grew up in a society where late toilet preparation is the norm, you might assume that. But in my years of following the research, I haven't found compelling evidence that children will have better medical outcomes if we delay training until 24 months or later.

On the contrary, as I note below, the most upwardly-to-date inquiry leans the other way: Children who train earlier tend to feel fewer long-term issues with incontinence.

Of course, older kids take avant-garde developmental abilities, so they are able to larn more toileting advanced skills. They require less intensive assistance when they use a potty.

Merely that doesn't hateful that nosotros can't — or shouldn't — train younger children. It's merely a reminder that we demand to approach toilet training differently depending on the developmental condition of the child.

So how should a parent make this decision? Is it purely a matter of personal preference?

Non exactly.

When information technology comes to choosing a potty training age, you have several options. But once you decide on the timing, your remaining choices aren't entirely free.

For example, you aren't going to railroad train a iv-calendar month-old babe in the same way that you would railroad train a xviii-calendar month-old toddler. Or a 28-month-old child. Theway you railroad train — the approach yous accept — is going to be shaped by your child's developmental abilities and needs.

It'southward also important to delay toilet grooming if your kid suffers from health issues — like constipation — that bear upon elimination.

And it's crucial to adjust your expectations to your kid'due south private circumstances. As we'll see, what it means to be "toilet trained" varies a great deal, depending on your kid's historic period.

How, so, should yous decide? You need to know more about the challenges associated with toilet training at different developmental stages.

In the residuum of this article, I will compare the advantages and disadvantages associated with 4 potty training age groups:

  • Infants (0-12 months)
  • Immature toddlers (12-18 months)
  • Older toddlers (18-24 months)
  • Children over 24 months

Baby potty preparation: 0-12 months


In countries like Republic of kenya, Tanzania, Republic of india, China, and Vietnam, the traditional potty training age is early infancy (deVries and deVries 1977; Bouke 2003;Sun and Rugolotto 2004).

What does the process look like?

It begins with observation. Parents learn to recognize their babies' body signals, and they utilise these signals to anticipate when their babies will eliminate.

Then, whenever an baby is fix, the parent holds the baby over a sink, basin, toilet, or the open footing.

Equally the infant voids, the parent makes a characteristic audio or gesture. The goal is to railroad train the baby to associate voiding with this parental sound or gesture.

And once the baby has learned that association, the parent can use the sign to communicate. At present the parent has a mode to request that a babe void on cue.

Y'all tin read more than about these traditional methods — sometimes called "emptying communication" — in opens in a new windowthis Parenting Scientific discipline article.

Every bit you can see, this arrangement isn't what many people hateful past "toilet preparation."

To many, "toilet training" means teaching a child to remove his or her pants, sit on a potty chair, wipe, and then forth. It means pedagogy skills that young babies aren't yet ready to develop. So the traditional method of babe toilet preparation is necessarily a more than modest affair: staying dry with lots of parental assistance.

Is information technology worth it — all that parental supervision and vigilance?

That'southward something that parents will have to decide for themselves. But at that place are definitely some advantages to consider.

The immediate benefits are pretty obvious. Babies never habiliment diapers, so they avert the rashes and infections associated with diapers. Their parents save time and money on diapering. And going diaper-complimentary is good for the surround.

Simply there are other, less obvious benefits too.

Research hints that children are less likely to experience recurring urinary tract infections if they were toilet trained during infancy. Why?

It's probably because toilet-trained infants learn to empty their bladders completely — eliminating any residual urine that tin harbor bacteria. Children whodon't begin training untilafter the historic period of 24 months may not learn this habit until their third birthdays (Duong et al 2013).

And at that place's evidence that infant trainees are at a somewhat lower risk for developing problems with incontinence later in life (Wang et al 2020).

Finally, some parents view babe training as an investment. Yes, you accept to be very vigilant now. But by grooming your child early, y'all salvage yourself a lot trouble later.

When kids grow upwardly wearing diapers, they don't learn to pay special attention to their torso signals, similar the sensation of a full bladder. In fact, they may larn the opposite. They may learn toignore those feelings.

Kids may too develop a sense of familiarity and comfort in wearing diapers, making them more than reluctant to wear underpants.

These factors tin can make information technology harder for older children to learn toileting skills. They have old habits to pause. By dissimilarity, if you offset very early, your baby won't have any bad habits to overcome.

Then when does this traditional infant training typically brainstorm?

In some cases, parents brainstorm the process immediately after the newborn period, when the baby is 4 weeks erstwhile. Some don't outset until babies are 3 months former, or even older (Boucke 2003; Duong et al 2013; Sunday and Rugolotto 2004).

Is this "traditional" method the only way to approach infant toilet training? What if yous want to sit your child on a potty chair?

Once your child has learned to sit up independently — directly and steady, with no wobbling — you can try using a potty chair.

This seems to have been the traditional approach in many Western countries before the historical shift to belatedly training.

For example, research suggests that virtually Swiss infants in the 1950s were being trained to sit on potty chairs past 6-9 months (Largo and Stutzle 1977).

And many Russian babies today brainstorm sitting on potty chairs before they are 12 months old (Karkashadze et al 2012).

If you lot're interested in using a potty chair, make certain that you suit your methods and so that they are advisable for your infant'due south developmental level. This opens in a new window Parenting Science article outlines a procedure that has been tested by researchers.

Older infants and immature toddlers (12-18 months)


As nosotros've seen, it'south non unusual — historically and cross-culturally — for parents to begin toilet preparation during a baby's first year.

Only what almost starting a flake later on? During the kickoff half of your baby's 2nd year?

That timing isn't nearly as common, and information technology's fabricated me wonder. Is there something nearly this age range that makes potty preparation more difficult?

For children in this age grouping, toilet training is necessarily virtually learning to sit on a potty chair. And that's where some families might meet problem.

It isn't that their children can't sit down. It's that they don't want to.

For case, a study conducted in the United States found that children between the ages of 15 and 19 months were more than resistant to sitting on potty chairs than were older kids (Sears et al 1957).

And I've found an interesting parallel in Russia, where parents unremarkably brainstorm toilet training earlier 12 months. Co-ordinate to researchers in that location, parents oft complain that formerly cooperative children go resistant to sitting on potties at around 14 months of age (Karkashadze et al 2012).

What'south going on? It might have something to exercise with motor development.

Between 12 and 18 months, opens in a new windowmany children are learning to walk. So some pediatricians wonder if these toddlers are merely besides excited or restless to sit down on a potty chair. They'd rather walk around (Brazelton and Sparrow 2004).

But whatever the cause of the resistance, it'due south of import to respond accordingly.

Heavy-handed attempts to force compliance aren't the answer. They can provoke bad feelings about the process, and make your child even more emotionally resistant to sitting on a potty.

Then information technology's ameliorate to back off if your child actively resists, and resume training only if you find a style to use positive reinforcement — to motivate your child through encourage, praise, and other rewards.

It's also important to have realistic expectations.

Children under the age of 18 months are not going to accomplish true toileting independence. To stay clean and dry, they need regular, frequent reminders to visit the potty. And they require our ongoing help with things similar removing habiliment, wiping, and washing up.

And if you determine to skip these months — to delay training for a later engagement?

You can notwithstanding put the time to good use.

The interval between 12-eighteen months is the perfect time to outset thinking most toilet preparationreadiness— the set of skills and interests that volition help your child chief advanced toilet skills later on. Y'all can make potty training easier if y'all actively ready your child months in advance. opens in a new windowFor tips, run across this Parenting Scientific discipline article.

Potty preparation between xviii-24 months


Every bit I mentioned above, children who are resistant to sitting on a potty chair may go more than compliant after 18 months. So is this interval — 18 to 24 months — a promising ane for toilet preparation?

Many Western pediatricians say yes — i f your child is showing signs of "toilet grooming readiness."

What are these signs?

I've compiled a checklist, based on the recommendations of several sources, including the American Academy of Pediatrics. You can see the total checklist opens in a new windowhere.

Just the quick respond is that the signs include major developmental milestones (like the ability to walk), as well as evidence that your kid is motivated: Your child asks to use a potty chair, or tells you that he or she wants to habiliment "big kid" underpants.

How of import are the signs? Should you lot really wait for them?

The answer depends on what your goals are.

If your goal is for your child to walk into the bathroom and sit down on the potty independently, then you obviously should wait until he or she tin can walk.

If you lot're interested in a more modest goal — something closer to the parent-assisted dryness we've discussed so far — then you may want to skip the wait.

But keep in heed. At that place's one sign of readiness that seems especially predictive of long-term success: A kid's awareness of trunk signals, and power to communicate virtually them.

In a written report tracking the progress of 270 toddlers, researchers establish that merely iii signs of readiness predicted toilet training success. I promising sign was if a child could pull his or her pants on and off. Another was if a kid showed pride in doing things independently.

But the most predictive sign of them all was if a child "expresses a need to evacuate and shows sensation of the need to void or accept a bowel movement" (Wyndaele et al 2020).

So if your child isn't nonetheless showing these crucial abilities, it makes sense to foster them. Talk with your kid well-nigh the sensations that accompany elimination, and teach your child the vocabulary needed to limited these feelings.

For tips about this — and about other aspects of toilet training readiness — come across my article, opens in a new window"Toddler potty preparation: How to go your child set up."

And whenever your kid finally begins, think that it will have a long time earlier your child has the skills and maturity to go "solo."

Even later they consummate preparation, most children aren't ready to become to the bathroom unattended until they are at least 36 months old (Gesell and Ilg 1943; McKeith 1973; Bakker 2002; Schum et al 2002).

Potty training after 24 months: Understanding the pros and cons


Equally I noted at the starting time of this article, there'due south been a historical shift in the United States and other Western countries. Nearly parents today are delaying potty training until their children are at least 24 months old. Is this beneficial to families? To children?

In that location's at least ane, potential reward for waiting this long: You're kid is more than developmentally avant-garde, so your child will more rapidly acquire the skills needed for truthful toileting independence.

You may still need to adapt your expectations. Think that most kids volition continue to need our aid with toileting until they are at least 36 months quondam. Simply by 24 months, many kids are prepare to beginning learning avant-garde toileting skills — like pulling their pants up and down; wiping; and washing their hands.

Another potential advantage: Older kids may train faster.

When researchers tracked the evolution of more than 250 American children, they establish kids tended to consummate training more speedily if they started after the age of 24 months (Schum et al 2002).

Another study, tracking more than than 400 American kids, too found that older kids completed their training in less time (Blum et al 2003).

Only it'south of import to notation: Late toilet training has been linked with a higher risk of developing bladder problems.

For example, studies in multiple countries have reported links between late training and a college probability of experiencing bladder problems, including daytime incontinence after the age of 5 years (Barone et al 2009; Bakker 2002, Bakker et al 2002; Joinson et al 2009; Li et al 2020; Wang et al 2020).

Now proceed in heed. We don't yet knowwhy these links be. Nosotros can't assume that later grooming, past itself,causes bladder problems.

But some intriguing clues accept emerged.

For example, in one study, researchers compared ii groups:

  • 47 Vietnamese children (who started toilet training early — unremarkably past half dozen months), and
  • 57 Swedish children (95% of whom didn't begin toilet training until they were at least 24 months old).

The researchers wondered if the timing of toilet training was linked with whatever developmental differences in bladder role. In particular, they wanted to know if children were in the habit of completely elimination their bladders during urination.

It's an important habit, considering when we don't completely empty our bladders, the residual urine left behind puts the states at greater risk of developing a urinary tract infection (Hellström and Sillén 2001).

So the researchers performed periodic tests on the children as they grew older, and in that location was indeed a marked departure between groups.

The Vietnamese children — who had begun toilet training early — were completely emptying their bladders by the age of 9 months.

Past contrast, the Swedish kids — who started toilet grooming later on 24 months — didn't learn to completely empty their bladders until they were 36 months old (Duong et al 2013).

So these are considerations to weigh and balance. What'south the takeaway? What are the virtually of import things to remember?

Experts agree that you should choose a time when your child is

  • healthy (no constipation, diarrhea, or urinary tract infections);
  • relaxed (not stressed by new changes, similar a move or new baby); and
  • cooperative (not going through a rebellious phase).

In improver, information technology's a expert thought toactively prepare your child for toileting grooming. When kids are aware of their body signals, and ready to communicate virtually them, they are more probable to succeed.

Finally, no matter when you decide to toilet railroad train your child, you demand to have realistic expectations about the event.

Even later they are "trained," young children will require a lot of assistance with toileting. And being trained doesn't hateful that a child never experiences set-backs or accidents. It is not unusual for children to feel occasional accidents into the school years (Kessel et al 2017; Wu 2013).

For more than information virtually toileting, check out these Parenting Science manufactures:

  • opens in a new windowThe scientific discipline of toilet preparation: What research tells us about the timing
  • Potty training techniques: An prove-based guide to toilet grooming methods and their success rates
  • Potty grooming problems and solutions: An prove-based guide

And are you curious almost nighttime dryness? See my article about opens in a new windowwetting the bed.

References: Choosing the right potty grooming historic period

American Academy of Pediatrics. 1999. opens in a new windowToilet Preparation Guidelines: Parents−−The Role of the Parents in Toilet Training. Pediatrics 103;1362

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Bakker W. 2002. Research into the influence of potty training on lower urinary tract dysfunction. Unpublished MD dissertation, Department of urology, Academy of Antwerp, Belgium.

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Content of " The timing of toilet training: What's the right potty grooming age?"  final modified ii/2021

Portions of this text appeared in an  earlier version of this commodity, written past the same writer and posted on the same URL.

Title image of baby holding toilet lid by AlohaHawaii / shutterstock

Image of Hmong mother with babe in sling, Vietnam, by EoNaYa / istock

Image of baby girl running in living room with dad past monkeybusinessimages / istock

image of boy reading on potty by yaoinlove / istock

image of child on potty (no head) past Saklakova / istock

When Should I Start Potty Training My Baby
